About this curriculum

Cockington Primary School believes that Physical Education (PE), experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is essential to ensure children attain optimum physical and emotional development and good health.

We intend to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical education and in developing life skills. We want to teach children skills to keep them safe: such as being able to swim.  We also want to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.

Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at Cockington, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes.

Sequential Curriculum

PE strands with declarative and procedural knowledge that deepens and broadens progressively each year through sport and fitness:

  • Body management
  • Locomotor control
  • Object control
  • Health and fair play
  • Evaluating and improving performance

Related resources

If you need more help, please contact us for more information.

We were awarded our Platinum OPAL award today. Kate from OPAL came into school to officially give us our certificate and banner. A huge thank you to her and our fantastic team for helping us transform break and lunchtimes for our children. We are always on the look out for donations that we can use , so if you think you might have something such as: old teddies, dressing up clothes, old sheets, duvet covers that we can use - please let us know!
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We invited Fizz Pop Science into school and ‘Dr Dave’ introduced the children to the marvels of science during an assembly with some fun, hands-on experiments!
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Jacob Guy, an ex student of Cockington Primary School, has won first place in the Young Ocean Photographer of the Year. An algae octopus shows off its fluorescence - this a chemical process when a material absorbs light and then gives off light of a different colour - under ultraviolet light. This picture was taken in North Sulawesi. Wow! What an aspirational Annie!
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On Monday the children had an exciting visit from Tom from Rocksteady Music Schools. He showed us some different instruments and told us about what it was like to play in a band. There were music workshops too and we had so much fun playing games and trying out the instruments. If your child is interested in lessons you can visit the Rocksteady Music Schools website to sign up. Lessons are during school time on Wednesday mornings starting next week. Places are filling up fast so don’t miss out!
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Year 3 have started their Science topic on plants by studying flowers closely, gently taking them apart then drawing and labelling all the different parts.
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At Cockington, we aim to promote the love of reading and encourage the children to read for pleasure. Here are a few examples of our amazing reading areas, where children can enjoy books together and develop a love of reading.
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We’ve had a great first week back at Cockington, brilliant to see super, smiley children rocking the new logo. Have a wonderful weekend!
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DO YOU SHOP AT ASDA? Asda have launched a new rewards app which you can link to our school. Each time you spend in store, money and rewards get added to your cashpot and the school's cashpot. All you need to do is download the ASDA Rewards app and select Cockington Primary School. ASDA will then give the school 0.5% back into the school cashpot! This does not affect your own cashpot. This is a brilliant way that you can support the school and raise some funds for essential resources for free!
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Welcome back! We've all been enjoying the sunny weather on the first day back of the school year. Our newest children have been getting used to life at school, children have been happy to meet up with their friends again and the teachers have enjoyed getting to know their new classes. Here's to another fantastic year at Cockington Primary School!
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We are delighted to have been accepted to be part of the pilot of the new Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) project. The school will be receiving 5 days of specialist support to develop our support for Neurodiversity. As part of the project, we are working with SEND Family Voice Torbay. Together we want to understand your experiences of our school and we are asking all parents to complete a short survey online.
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Stone Age Day! Today year 3 enjoyed a day full of activities linked to our Stone Age learning. We carved spear heads out of soap, we created cave art under tables, on the walls and on pieces of driftwood, we created Stone Age animal 3D fact-files and we even lit our own fires! We apologise for the stench of smoke that came home with everyone today but we hope they also brought home some great moments to share with you 😊 More photos of Red Deer class to follow tomorrow! @connectacademytrust #stoneage #firelighting #makingmemories
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Year 5 have been creating electronic board games this half term. Today, Herons class got to finally play them. The year 2 children came to enjoy them as well. Not only are they fun, they are designed to educate players about the ocean.
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Bowling was right up our alley this afternoon! We had a striking, action packed time at Hollywood Bowl celebrating some of our pupils with 100% attendance. That's just how we roll!
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30/4 This week in science club, the children learnt about chemical reactions in one of the best ways possible - by making slime! They had great fun bringing their creations to life.
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13/6 This week in science club the children explored optical illusions, looking at weird and wonderful images, including magic eye pictures. They then tried their hands at creating a Thaumatrope using paper, art straws and a bit of imagination!
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20/5 In science club this week, the children tried their hands at Chromatography. Chromatography is a way of separating the colours used in ink (such as felt tipped pens). You might have noticed that ink smudges when you have got a piece of paper wet. The pattern left by the colours is called a ‘chromatogram’. Each colour is made of different inks, meaning they will have their own chromatogram.
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17/6 During science club on Monday, the children explored the phenomenon of sound. They revisited how sound is formed and how it travels, then put their theories to the test using a range of exciting equipment, including test tubes filled with varying amounts of water, tuning forks and even made a 'telephone' using plastic cups and string - they were very inventive!
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