Welcome to a school which empowers children to believe in what they’re capable of; a place where learning and values combine to inspire success.


Cockington Primary School is a community where every child’s potential and talents are nurtured. We’re champions for our pupils’ education – but we care about the bigger picture too, helping them develop confidence and values for their life ahead.

Cockington Pupil Reading to Other Pupils Outdoors


We’re here to help make school life run as smoothly as it can – for pupils and their parents or carers. Our Early Years Foundation Stage provides a strong beginning to the Cockington school journey. Our Breakfast Club is a convenient and healthy option to help your child start the school day.

Cockington Primary School Outside Play Area


We’re proud to present a rich and varied selection of extracurricular opportunities at Cockington. Our after-school clubs, sports activities, school trips and residential stays present a wide choice of exciting experiences for your child to enjoy.

What people are saying about Cockington Primary School

"I love this school. We have lots of fun things to do, and I love visiting the beach!"

Callum | child

"We are really lucky here to have all the fun games and things to play with at lunchtime."

Oakley | Year 2 Pupil

"Cockington Primary School is a welcoming school. Staff will do anything for the children, who are at the heart of everything we do."

Teacher | Teacher

"Cockington Primary School is a wonderful place to come to everyday. I love working with the children."

Teacher |

"My children are happy at this school, the staff are nice and helpful when needed."

Parent Survey Response | Parent

"Thank you very much for your involvement and for your support regarding children who have come from other countries. With your help, the whole of the Cockington teaching staff and the friendly children in the school, my child has integrated nicely into the education system in Great Britain."

Y5 Parent |

"Cockington Primary School has looked after my children well throughout their time."

Karson Camron | Parent

Thank you to inviting me to the Y5 outcome - it was absolutely amazing!

Y 5 Parent | Parent

What an amazing show! Well done Year 5.

Gen & Olly | Parent

"The children who attended the Torquay United match are a credit to your school the way they behaved. They didn't stop singing despite the bad weather!"

Jo Harris | Community Officer at Torquay United

"The children who came to work with our residents were very respectful. The residents enjoyed celebrating the King's Coronation with them."

Care Home | Care home


Please get in touch