
Below is a list of links to our current school policies. Click on the links to open in your browser or download to your computer. If you can't find what you're looking for, please get in touch.

School Improvement

SEND Information

At Cockington, our job is to ensure that your child achieves the very best they can, no matter what barrier there may be with their learning. Approximately one in five children will have special education needs at some time during their school career – this may mean having a learning difficulty and/or physical difficulty that makes it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age.

For more information about SEND at Cockington Primary School, please visit our SEND Information page.


Cockington Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils.


We are very proud of our curriculum at Cockington. We make children’s learning enticing, purposeful and challenging.

Our curriculum is planned around Learning Enquiries. Every half term, children are posed a question for them to answer through an exciting and engaging hook and an outcome. Teachers set high expectations of attainment and demonstrate these through adult-led modelling. We aim for each child to reach for the highest level of personal achievement.

We use Read Write Inc. Phonics as our early phonics scheme to  give children a flying start in learning to read and write regardless of background or need.

More information can be found on the curriculum section of our website.

Curriculum at Cockington Primary School


We are delighted that you are interested in Cockington Primary School. We are very proud of Cockington Primary School and the happy, busy atmosphere that has been created. Please find details of how to apply to the school through Torbay admissions: Apply for a school place - Torbay Council

Admissions Appeal Timetable

Please find the details on the website below:

Primary application timetable - Torbay Council

Remote Learning

Information about remote learning can be found on our pages about how to access Seesaw.

Pupil Premium

PE and Sport Premium


Since the previous Ofsted report in Autumn 2021 (below), Cockington Primary School has been taken on by a new Multi Academy Trust called Connect (legally becoming a new school). The school has been under new leadership since January 2022, working closely with internal and external school improvement partners who have verified our progress over this period, and we look forward to the official validation of the progress made in our next Ofsted inspection report.


Cockington Primary School proudly joins hands with the Connect Academy Trust in providing exceptional education to its students.


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