When teachers, pupils and parents work together, it’s a recipe for school success. At Cockington, we strive to involve you wherever possible as a parent – and it starts with communication.


Access key information and get the lowdown about what’s going on for your child at Cockington.

Are there any opportunities for parents to volunteer at the school?

We have parent volunteers in the school. Any parent who wishes to volunteer needs to contact their child’s class teacher or Mrs Taylor. A DBS check will need to take place before any volunteers can start.

Are there any opportunities for pupils to participate in creative activities like music?

Music is timetabled as one of our ‘drivers’ within our learning enquiries. Children also have music lessons every week. We have singing assemblies every week. We also have a performing arts club which children from year 3 can join. We have visiting music teachers that you can contact if you wish your child to take part in specialist music lessons.

Are there any opportunities for pupils to participate in outdoor education or field trips?

There are trips within our local community in every year group. In Years 3 and 5, children have the opportunity to go on a residential. Year 3 spend one night away and Year 5 spend two nights away from home.

How are parents kept informed about school news and events?

We regularly send out letters to parents. Our facebook page informs parents about news and events. There is a notice board by the Avenue Road entrance with upcoming dates and events.

How are pupils assessed and graded during primary education?

Children are assessed in reading, writing and maths in various ways throughout their school career. Teachers constantly assess children throughout lessons and adapt teaching and learning as necessary. They are assessed on their phonics during the first few years in school, taking the national phonics sceening in Year 1. In EYFS, children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals throughout their time within the phase. As they move throughout the school, children may be given maths and reading assessments to see how much progress a child and their class has made. They are always used to inform future lessons. Year 2 and Year 6 take the national SATS expectations in May.

Other subjects are assessed in a number of ways – informal quizzes, revision tasks and other activities are set by teachers to asses their knowledge in the broader subjects of the curriculum.

How are pupils grouped or streamed according to ability?

Children are taught in year groups with their age. Our phonics programme, Read Write Inc, is taught in groups that are based on their phonics understanding.

How are pupils prepared for the transition to secondary school?

Pupils in Year 5 are invited to spend the day at local secondary schools, to prepare them for their secondary school choice. In Year 6, pupils are visited by teachers from their secondary schools. They also spend the day at the secondary school of their choice.

How are pupils rewarded for good behaviour?

Children are rewarded with dojos, stickers, phone calls home as well as a weekly star of the week award.

How can I check my child's progress?

Teachers report to parents during two parents’ evenings during the Autumn and Spring Term. A written report is given to parents in the Summer Term.

How can parents communicate with their child's teacher?

All classes have a class email account where they can contact the child’s class teacher. Teachers are also available to the beginning and end of the day for messages. If you would like to speak to your child’s class teacher for a longer period of time, please book an appointment with them using the email address.

How can parents get involved in school events and activities?

We have an active PTA. Parents are welcome and encouraged to join this organisation. Details for joining can be found in our PTA section. We communicate regularly with our community and parents. A paretns can contact the school via their class teacher or through the office if they wish to be involved in events.

How can parents provide feedback to the school about their child's education?

Parents can either speak to their child’s teacher upon pick up or drop off, or email the class email address.

How can parents support their child's learning at home?

Story telling and reading is one of the most important ways to support your child at home. Try to encourage your child to read and tell stories to you. Every half term teachers will give the children a menu of home learning choices that will link to their current Learning Enquiry. This will be published on the seesaw app. Talk through these activities with your child and encourage them to complete these activities every week. Make learning fun for your child!

How does the school involve parents in decision-making processes?

We hold parents’ evenings, open evenings and encourage all parents to get in touch with their class teacher through their class email account.

We ask parents' for their opinions on areas across the school through a parent questionnaire, held once a year.

How often are extracurricular activities held?

Clubs are available after school every day.

How often will parents receive updates on their child's progress?

We report on a child’s progress three times a year. 

We have two parents’ evenings and a final written report. Parents can always discuss their child’s progress with their class teacher whenever they like.

What are the admission criteria for the school?

Please see the Torbay admissions page for this information.

What are the costs associated with extracurricular activities and clubs?

There is no cost for the after school clubs. 

What clubs or societies are available for pupils to join?

There are a variety of clubs which change across the year. Some examples are: Football, archery, athletics, chess, crafts, art, cricket, street dance and gymnastics.

What disciplinary measures are taken if a pupil misbehaves?

If a child breaks our 3 rules of ‘ready respectful and safe,’ then they may quietly be spoken to by their teacher. They may be given a reminder about their class expectations and could have to spend some time in another classroom. The teacher and staff will have a conversation with the pupil about how they can put things right in the future.

What extracurricular activities are available for pupils?

We offer a variety of after school clubs run by a mixture of teachers, Learning Support Assistants and outside providers. We offer a range of activities such as football, athletics, craft, archery, performing arts. Some of the children who attend these clubs are given further opportunities to represent the school on other occasions.

What forms will I need to fill out if my child is joining?

If your child is due to join the school, please use the check-list below to check you have received and completed (where applicable) the necessary forms. If you are missing any of the following, please contact the school office to obtain a copy.

  • Dietary & medical needs
  • Consent form
  • Pupil registration form
  • Free school meals application
  • School academic year calendar

What is the application process for admission to the school?

Please apply via Torbay Admissions.

What is the best way to contact my child's teacher?

Parents can contact their child’s teacher by using the class email address which can be found on the class pages.

What is the deadline for submitting an application for admission?

Please see Torbay Council's website for details on this.

Apply for a primary school place - Torbay Council

What is the homework policy at the school?

Homework is encouraged and celebrated within the class. Every half term, a homework menu is shared on seesaw. The children are encouraged to pick an activity from the menu to demonstrate their learning. There are activities for children to complete every week such as reading, maths and spellings.

What is the policy for admitting pupils with special educational needs or disabilities?

We are an inclusive school. You can apply for a place in school using the Torbay admissions procedures.

What is the procedure for applying for leave during term time?

Parents will need to fill out a absence request form available from the school office.

What is the procedure for taking my child out of school during term time?

Please fill in the absence request form to request an absence for your child.

What is the process for reporting an absence or lateness?

Please call the school office and leave a message if your child is absent from school. Please inform the school on each day of the child's absence.

What is the process for signing up for extracurricular activities and clubs?

Every term a letter is sent to parents via email which contains a choice of clubs available for your child’s year group. Parents use a google form to indicate which clubs their child is interested in attending. Their child’s name will be entered into a ballot if the demand for the club is higher than the number of spaces available. Parents are informed if their child has been successful in gaining a place and further details then follow.

What is the school's approach to dealing with bullying?

We follow the KiVa programme, where children are taught how to be respectful and kind to each other. They explore what bullying is, through taught lessons, how they can prevent it and what to do if they spot it. We also have an extra focus on bullying in Anti-Bullying week. More information can be found out about the KiVa programme in our section on community and partners.

What is the school's approach to ensuring that extracurricular activities and clubs are inclusive and accessible to all pupils?

We offer a wide range of clubs to all pupils equally. If there is any support needed to help a child access their chosen club, then that is put in place.

What is the school's approach to involving parents in decision-making processes?

Parents are given the opportunity to voice opinions through the parent questionnaire held annually.

Parents are welcome to contact the school if they would like to be a part of the Local Governing Body.

What is the school's approach to involving parents in their child's education?

We hold parents’ evenings, open evenings and encourage all parents to get in touch with their class teacher through their class email account.

What is the school's approach to promoting healthy eating and physical activity?

We encourage healthy eating through in school promotions and during our science and PSHE lessons. Breaktime snacks should consist of healthy options such as: fruit, cheese, vegetable sticks. Packed lunches should be balanced and promote healthy options. Our School Council helps promote healthy eating.

What is the school's approach to promoting pupils' emotional and social development?

We promote SMSC throughout the school day. All staff take time to ensure children’s emotional and social development are promoted. We use a programme called ‘Jigsaw’ to deliver our specific PSHE lessons. We promote British Values across the school.

What is the school's approach to teaching pupils with English as a second language?

We support children from all backgrounds and help them intergrate into school life. We use IT and the support of colleagues to support any EAL needs.

What is the school's approach to teaching pupils with special educational needs or disabilities?

We have a wonderful SEND team who are able to support children and families with SEND needs. We have a dedicated SENCO who will talk through any needs you may have. Please click on the link to find further information about this: SEND at Cockington Primary School

What is the school's behaviour policy?

We follow a Trauma Informed Schools approach. We aim to understand and support the whole child and respond to their needs to support them in their journey through school. The policy can be found in the policy section of the website.

What is the school's catchment area?

We are located only minutes away from the seafront in Torquay and serve a wide catchment including parts of Chelston, Torre and the Town Centre.

What is the school's policy on attendance?

Please see the policies page for our attendance policy.

What is the school's policy on lateness?

Please see the policy on lateness and attendance on our policy page.

What is the school's policy on school uniforms?

What is the typical school day for a primary school pupil?

Here is a typical timetable below, with variations in break times and lunch times for different
year groups.

8:45-8:50 8:50-9:25 9:25-9:50 9:50-10:50 10:50-11:10 11:10-12:15 12:15-1:15 1:15-3:15
Starter time Spelling and/or handwriting Reading Maths Break English Lunch Wider curriculum Subjects

What resources are available for parents to help them support their child's education?

The Seesaw app is used to support children’s learning at home. There is a specific home learning section where children are assigned activities and support is available on the app. Support is available from the class teachers who are always more than happy to help.

What resources are available to support parents with their child's mental health and wellbeing?

Our Pastoral Team can signpost parents towards mental health and wellbeing.

What should I do if my child is absent from school?

Please inform the office and leave a message on the answer phone if you know your child is unwell.

What support is available for pupils who have behavioural issues?

We are supportive and using our Trauma Informed Approach, we support any child and work through any causes for such issues. The class teacher will be available to discuss any support in the first instance, and then will be able to use the wider school team to support if needed.

What support is available for pupils who struggle academically?

Our first priority is making sure teachers plan carefully for all children in their class. Teachers plan in small steps, with lots of time to review and recap previous learning. We have a number of support staff who are directed by the class teachers who may work with small groups within the classrooms or may be used to help children access their learning outside of the classroom on some occasions.


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