It is during primary school years that many of our children first try out an activity or sport that grows to become a life-long passion.
We provide experiences throughout our curriculum and in our after-school clubs.
Alongside these, we offer...
- individual and small group music lessons in instruments ranging from drums to trumpets. These are booked directly by parents with excellent local music teachers' and take place during the school day.
- a wide range of trips and experiences in the local area.*
- a residential trip to Dewerstone in Year 3 which often offers children their first independent stay away from home and opportunities to put their wild for learning skills into practice.*
- a residential trip in Year 5 which gives the children a chance to try out a variety of water and adventurous sports.*
- Year 6s have the opportunity to achieve the Torbay and Devon Civic Award. This is a year-long award that was started right here in Cockington Primary School and now involves hundreds of children across Devon every year. It encourages our Year 6s to develop their interests further and to take part in local events.
- workshops run by local secondary schools in a range of Key Stage 3 curriculum areas.
* The cost of these activities is discounted for all families in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant.
At Cockington Primary School all Key Stage 2 pupils have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. The benefits of learning an instrument are widely acknowledged – academic, social, emotional etc. and we are lucky here to have such a wide range of instrument tuition on offer. Lessons are held weekly, with performance opportunities and examinations as appropriate. The instrumental lessons available are:
Violin, Guitar, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Recorder, Piano, Keyboard and Drums.
If your child would like to learn an instrument that isn’t listed here, please contact us and we can see if it is possible to find a suitable teacher.
The lessons here are given by specialist teachers who will charge by the term. Their contact details are below so you can ask any questions you may have regarding your child’s lessons before making a decision.
The teachers are:
- Guitar – Mr McMullen (Tel: 07775 760998 or Email:
- Drums – Mr Collings (Tel: 07891 886290 or Email:
- Piano/Keyboard & Violin – Mrs Riedlinger (Tel: 07920 100495 or Email:
Please note that you will need to supply your child with their instrument of choice.
Please phone the school on 01803 214100 for more information.